April 2011
- Die neue LE Sommer-Kollektion ist da. Diesmal ist sie in richtig knalligen Farben gehalten. Dabei sind diesmal Bikinis, Kleider, Taschen... Mich persönlich erinnert die Kollektion etwas an Antidote, aber bildet Euch selbst eine Meinung:
- Skirts come in many shapes and design, which suits your style best? Here we have picked out six different ways to wear a skirt - in all different styles. Whats your favorite style, pretty, classy or boho? See how celebrities choose to wear a skirt and decide what you think is the hottest...or not!
Photo: Gianni Pucci / GoRunway.com
The Dries Van Noten fall 2011 show proved that the devil’s in the details with the easiest update for your everyday ponytail. Simply switch out your elastic for a large metal ring to exude an edgy, minimalistic vibe. Hopefully high-street stores will pick up on this, but in the meantime get the look with these easy steps:
1. Find a large thick ring. A man’s thumb ring would work nicely.
2. Twist your hair into a coiled ponytail, wetting the hair first will help it stick together even more so it’s easier to thread through the ring.
3. Thread your hair through the ring and push up into your usual ponytail.
Photo: Getty Images
Who: Reese Witherspoon
What: Water for Elephants premiere in New York City
Wear: Jason Wu Fall 2011 dress
Reese Witherspoon looked every inch an American beauty in an elegant Jason Wu confection at the Water for Elephants premiere in New York City last night. Witherspoon is no stranger to Wu’s designs but this look might take the cake. The classic silhouette, on-trend cream color, and bubble hem add just the right amount of drama to her look. The shorter hem length shows of Witherspoon’s killer legs and her simple drop earrings let the dress really shine.
Photo: Courtesy of Refinery29
This cutie keeps chic and cool at last weekend’s Coachella festival in a high-waisted mustard skirt and lace top. She manages to keep her look practical with a cross body bag and flat lace up shoes while still staying trendy in a lace crop top and full skirt. Plus we love that sweet and sassy pixie cut! Peep our picks to get the look:
- Was ist besser geschminkt oder ungeschminkt?
- Justin Bieber machte als Teil seiner 'My World' Tour vor kurzem einen Halt in Israel und wir entdeckten ihn mein Entspannen zwischen zwei Konzerten: Er sah sich an, was Israel mehr zu bieten hat, als schreiende Fans und machte einen Sight-Seeing Trip mit einigen Mitgliedern seiner Crew!
- Wir entdeckten niemand Geringeres als Herrn Harry Potter selbst - Daniel Radcliffe - als er gestern in NYC unterwegs war. Im Gegensatz zu Co-Star Emma Watson, hat Daniel wohl entschieden, nach den acht Harry Potter Filmen einen anti-Hollywood Weg einzuschlagen.
- Welch europäische Bescheidenheit! Der in Spanien geborene Filmstar Penelope Cruz erzählte vor kurzem eine lustige Geschichte vom Set von Fluch der Karibik: Sie musste ein sehr Hollywood untypische Methode anwenden, um sich zu erleichtern.
- Such European humbleness! Spanish born movie star Penelope Cruz recently revealed that on the set of the new Pirates Of The Caribbean movie, she had to resort to some very non Hollywood ways of relieving herself. While filming scenes with Johnny Depp on a remote Puerto Rico island, she was forced to use the ocean as a toilet!She told Entertainment Weekly magazine, "They (producers) left Johnny and I on a deserted island with no bathrooms to do a helicopter shot.That, for a pregnant woman, can be a little bit of a problem. So for those few hours I had to keep going into the water every 15 minutes."Aw, poor Penelope! However we're glad to hear that she didn't force them to fly in a porta-potty or something like that. Down to earth celebrities are an all too rare breed these days!
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