Oktober 2010
- Have you guys read Justin Bieber's new book "First Step 2 Forever: My Story" yet? We've read bits of it, and we felt like sharing this particular chapter with you! In it Justin explains how he was fuming after having flunked his written driving exam. When his mom came to pick him up he was too ashamed to get in the car with her so instead he walked home in the pouring rain. He writes:"There was no way I was getting in the passenger seat, bawling like a 10 year old. She (my mum) kept calling me as I walked to the corner of the parking lot and stood by the street. I felt every car driving by was taunting me.Some girl drove by, putting on mascara as she weaved down the boulevard ? but she sure had a driver's license, didn't she? Some dude cruised by in a truck, smoking a cigarette, which he tossed on the street like the world was his ashtray.I bellowed after him, I hate you! It felt so good. I bellowed at the next guy, I hate you too! And I hate you! And I hate you!"Aww, poor Justin! We cant quite decide if it's sweet or just childish... Maybe a bit of both?
- God, does this girl ever have a bad day? Selena Gomez presented her new album "A Year Without Rain" at the ME Hotel in Madrid, Spain yesterday and as usual we're absolutely gobsmacked with her! Judging by her pink frilly blouse and new short highlighted hairdo we think it's safe to say she's given up her attempts at a bad girl image, which is fine by us because we love her just the way she is!
- Abraxxa: "Ich liebe die 20er Jahre und lasse mich von Modeikonen inspirieren wie z.B. Audrey Hepburn oder Coco Chanel und ich stehe auf den Style von Carrie Bradshaw, die so wunderbar von Sarah Jessica Parker verkörpert wird."
- Seadysue: "Ich mag es, mit einem kleinen Augenzwinkern zu kombinieren... Zum Beispiel indem ich zu einem eleganten Abendkleid Armbänder, Tasche und Schuhe in Street-Stil hinzufüge. Egal was ich mache, es muss was besonderes haben."
- Wie ihr schon am Wochenende gesehen habt, hat Kim Kardashian am Freitag ihren 30. Geburtstag im Tao gefeiert, das hielt sie allerdings nicht davon ab, gestern Nacht noch eine Party zu schmeißen!
- MiriLisa1: "Ich lege viel Wert auf Accessoires, denn mit einer coolen, auffälligen Kette und tollen Schuhen kann man ein schlichtes Outfit total aufpeppen."
- Chryspi: "In der Gestaltungen meiner Suite lasse ich mich von vielen Eindrücken in
und um Stardoll gerne inspirieren. Es gibt hier jeden Tag etwas Neues zu entdecken!"
- Bluelagoon02: "Ich bin für vieles offen und ändere gerne immer wieder meine doll und mein style. Ich finde es toll das man so viele Möglichkeiten hat."
- We were not crazy about this red and black YSL jumpsuit on The Town star Rebecca Hall and we were very surprised to see Salma Hayek try it out too, especially at Fashion Week! Salma wore hers with a black blazer and Rebecca ironed out hair. Who do you think pulled it off better?
Beitrag: "Haartipps"Wheyla
Beitrag: "Stardoll Academy?"