- Jeg snakkede med vores strålende stjerner cocoglamDaisy og SportyAshley16 for en chance for at høre, hvad de havde at sige om den nye kollektion, dansk mode og hvordan man kan nå centrum for al modeopmærksomhed, catwalk showet :) God fornøjelse!
- Endelig her! WoW Danmark!I dag har jeg meget spændende nyhed! Sammen med STARBLOGGERE cocoglamDaisy og SportyAshley16, har vi udviklet en ny kollektion i Windows of the World, og denne gang er inspireret af danske brands. Hvor fedt er det ikke lige?Tag et kig rundt Starplaza og stil din dukke til at repræsentere dit fashionable land!I dag har jeg meget spændende nyheder!Sammen med vores Starbloggere cocoglamDaisy (desuden semifinalist i MSW, woop woop!) og SportyAshley16, har vi udviklet en ny kollektion i Windows on the World, og denne gang er den inspireret af danske mærker. Hvor fedt er det ikke lige?
- Vi er midt i semifinalen i MSW, og jeg håber ingen har undladt at bemærke, at vores fantastiske Starblogger cocoglamDaisy er en af deltagerne, der nåede denne fase af konkurrencen?!
- Thursday morning at Hotel Nimb in Copenhagen, I witnessed the most colorful collection at Copenhagen Fashion Week. I am talking about Edith and Ella SS13. I’d been looking forward to seeing the Edith and Ella show, because I love the vintage undertones in the designs. The designer and proprietor Line Markvardsen named her brand after her grandmothers, and she has taken inspiration from old vintage styles.
- Before the show began, I had great expectations for the Wackerhaus collection this time, after last year's South Beach Pastel collection, and I must say I was not disappointed. The catwalk was like a romantic dream, where the sweet delicate pastel looks mixed with gold and silver gave the collection a nice touch.
- Welcome to yet another show at Copenhagen Fashion Week, Bruuns Bazaar SS13.
- I have been looking forward to seeing Anne Sofie Madsen’s difficult second show. She made her debut last year at the fashion week, and it has been a very exciting year for Anne Sofie.
Welcome to By Malene Birger’s 10 year anniversary show, ”the Celebration”.
By Malene Birger was a great experience. Everything was close to perfection with beautiful venues, lots of pink champagne and cream puffs, happy people, a beautiful collection and even smiling models on the catwalk, which lit up the day and was a nice breath of fresh air.
Dear fellow Stardollies! Me, SportyAshley16, and my partner in crime, cocoglamDaisy, are official bloggers for the Danish Starblog here on Stardoll. Although Denmark is a small country in the northern corner of Europe, it is widely known for its iconic trademark design in fashion as well as architecture, furniture and household objects.
The two of us have attented, and reported from, the glamorous and exhilarating Copenhagen Fashion Week, and we are really excited about sharing our experiences in the English language blog, for the rest of the world to see!
With these words, I welcome you to front row at Copenhagen Fashion Week and the Stine Goya SS13 show!
- Torsdag formiddag på hotel Nimb i København blev modeugens mest farvestrålende kollektion vist frem, jeg taler om Edith og Ella.
Nyeste indlæg: "Sommeren er ved at gå på hæld..."cocoglamDaisy
Nyeste indlæg: "Copenhagen Fashion Week: EDITH & ELLA SS13"