Justin bieber
- This weekend, Justin Bieber performed in Dubai. During the concert, a crazy fan jumped onto stage and grabbed him from behind. Justin managed to free himself, while his security guards tackled him to the ground. Before getting caught, the fan also knocked over a piano, the Telegraph reports.
Justin Bieber is reportedly fine after the incident, but is said to be a little shaken since the fan was so aggressive.
- Justin Bieber zrušil další koncert na svém probíhajícím světovém turné. Tentokrát se jedná o květnový koncert v Ománu. Zpěvák místo toho přidal vystoupení navíc v sousedních Spojených arabských emirátech. Fanoušci dostanou peníze zpátky.
Nejedná se o první problém na tomto turné. Justin zrušil koncert v Portugalsku, na londýnské představení se dostavil o dvě hodiny později a v Paříži byl nucen se odstěhovat z jednoho luxusního hotelu, protože ho obléhali fanoušci a rušili ostatní hosty.
- Justinova sláva je v Norsku tak velká, že se někteří ředitelé škol rozhodli posunout důležité zkoušky, aby se nekryly s termínem jeho koncertu v Oslu!
- Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber have been apart for many months now, so many that maybe the that abstinence took over the common sense? Listen to this: According to insiders, Justin Bieber just spent an HOUR alone at his former girlfrind's house before he wen to Europe to continue his tour! The singer stopped by Selena Gomez's house yesterday at approximately 3:30 p.m. Minds are so confused right now, what happened inside her Encino home? Are they getting back togheter? We can't wait to hear this how story continues! (perezhilton)
- There's been a lot going on with Justin Bieber lately, and now he's in the hot air once again after canceling one of his two shows in Lisbon, Portugal.
"Due to unforeseen circumstances, Justin Bieber was forced to cancel the second operation, in Portugal, on 12 March", the Portuguese promoter posted on its website, according to Hollywood Reporter. "The Canadian singer is eager to play for the Portuguese fans on 11 March". The ticketholders will be able to have their money back for the next 30 days.
- Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up in the beginning of 2013, and ever since they've both been spotted hanging out with friend, trying to forget their split. Now Selena has opened up about their breakup, and says she's already ready to find true love: "I believe in love--yes, I'm one of those girls. Most of my friends believe in love", she revealed.
And even though she and Justin pretty much were the center of attention in media, she has no interest in dating someone who's not in her business: "I've dated people that are not in the industry, and it does get really hard and stressful." She also says she's not very keen on going out and look for someone, and that she hasn't been asked out a lot since she became single. (contactmusic)
- Justin Bieber was not greeted with happy shouting when he entered the stage during last night's London concert.The crowd was furious and even booed at him on stage - because he was over an hour and a half late for the show. "'The fans were infuriated and they were booing on a number of occasions before he finally turned up on stage.", a source claims. He never mentioned why it took him so long to get going, but the audience forgave him pretty fast when he finally started singing. Is he becoming kind of a diva? (contactmusic)
- Rumor had it that Justin Bieber was to meet up his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez at a concert yesterday, where Justin Timberlake had a gig. But that certainly wasn't true at all - since Justin Bieber showed up with a mystery brunette date. Justin was dressed very casually wearing jeans and a jacket, while his date was glammed up in a black dress and a leather jacket. The question remains: who is this lucky girl?! (contactmusic)
- Is Justin Bieber sent from up above? Well, he might just be since he wore a pair of angel wings during his concert yesterday. We're actually pretty split on this one so we'll just leave it up to you. Are his wings a super cool (Gagalicious!) detail or is it just too nerdy? Vote and tell us!
- OMG! This was EXACTLY what we needed a dull day like this. Justin Bieber's new "Girlfriend' fragrance ad is out, and it's like the cutest ever. The video features Justin and an unseen girlfriend (yea, feel free to imagine it's you!), and they get very close up and personal on a road trip. Check it out below and tell us what you think. And hey, will you buy the new perfume? We bet it's just as amazing as "Someday".