

Single Color Style!


I love combining colors as much as anyone else, but sometimes I just feel like a nice monochrome look. One color outfits can look super cute, but they can also be hard to put together! Here's a few tips.

Your Color
Your choice in color will determine exactly how the rest of your look turns out. Black and white are really great colors to use because there are less shades to worry about matching, and there are a lot of clothes available in these colors! I decided on blue, however, as I wanted to highlight the calm and easygoing nature of this color. Be like water, go with the flow!


The Style
It's important to use a defined style to match within your chosen color, because this will help you decide on the items to use, and will help pull your look together. I decided on a casual style - half tucked in tank top, floaty kimono, big bag to carry snacks and a book... the perfect outfit to wear to a spring picnic! While some colors match certain styles better than others, any color can fit with any style if you use your creativity.


The Clothes
Putting together your outfit is, of course, the most fun part of the whole process! Instead of alternating colors, try using different shades and mix your fabrics. I love mixing fabrics - velvet with satin, rough cloth with organza. This can change up your look subtly while introducing a new dimension to your outfit!


What's your fave color to wear?





