

Q&A - Round 2 Answers!

Преди 91 месеца

Hello, dolls!

The promised answers to my round two of q&a. 

Q: What's your opinion on MSW? (SiliaPlays)
A: A love-hate relationship. Love dressing up, love the free gifts, love the competition. However, I hate the cheating that I see so often!

Q: What do you prefer, black or white? (Teddygurl.-)
A: Black all the way. 

Q: If you could change anything about Stardoll, what would you change? (pawpower9)
A: I'd probably change up the award system. There's a couple of issues there - bring back Catwalk (for dolls who remember!) and replace the Vote. 

Q: Favourite colour, or season and why? (CoolyStar)
A: Favourite colours are dusty pink, black, white and grey - I like softer colours. I also love Winter, rugging up is my favourite thing to do - but theres on element of Summer I love. In Australia, usually really hot days (35 degrees celcius and upwards) finish with a massive Southerly wind and thunderstorm. I love that.

Q: If you could change one thing on this earth what would it be? (taniajane)
A: Something drastic to eliminate poverty and discrimination. Not sure what it is yet - everytime I come up with a big idea it's either the basis for dystopic fiction or sounds like I'm a student of Karl Marx. 

Q: What do you think about spammers? (BibikaEmonik)
A: Not going to lie, I spam too - I think we all do in things like MSW. I think that's fine - but when it's recurring constantly, and claiming to vote you everytime, I get annoyed. 

Lauren xox

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