الســـلام عليكمــ و الرحمة و الاحسانــ
كيف حالكم صديقاتي اليوم اخترت لكم موضوع جميل جدا اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم و ارى ردودك الجميلة المتالقة
اليوم و في هذا المساء عندما كنت ازور الصديقات المبدعات لفت انتباهي شي رائع في هذا الصباح عندما رايت صديقتي العزيزة (meme_jb)
- We spotted Jessica Biel leaving a private screening of the movie 'Total Recall' in London the other day. She was looking insanely happy and we love her big smile. But ok, who wouldn't smile like that if they were marrying Justin Timberlake...?
كالعادة هناك الكثير من الفتيات المبدعات
واليوم نلتقي بمدعة رائع وجميلة دوماً وهي
إنها تبدع في الاكسسوارات والعدسات اللاصقه والشعور أيضاً
سألتني ابنتي اذ يمكنها ان تعمل حفلة صغيرة لصديقتيها وعد و سميحة بمناسبة عيد الفطر السعيد
و انا وافقت , فقمت انا و ابنتي بعمل الاكل و المشاوي و الحلويات
- Yea, we admit, we have the worst Spice Girls-fever today (feeling totally nostalgic!), and we bet it'll last for a looong time now! Their performance at the Olympics was so epic and we're watching it over and over again. Have you heard their Olympic Studio Mix with hit songs 'Wannabe' and 'Spice Up Your Life'? Listen below, it's awesome!
- Rihanna is not very private at all when it comes to her social medias. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook- you name it, she loves posting pics everywhere to share with her fans. But the fun thing about Rihanna is that her private life is everything but normal, and what we can relate to. She's always doing crazy stuff, so click on the pics and check out what she's been up to lately!
اعددت الان نفسي للذهاب الى نزهة الى الحديقة
فجهزت دراجتي الهوائية و ملابسي الصيفية و مكياجي الازرق الذي يوحي بنقاء البحيرة الموجودة في الحديقة
مرحبا صديقاتي
اليوم احببت ان اطرح عليكم موضوعا يتعلق بالموضة وانه البنطال الملون
انه انتشر كثيرا ومنه جميع الالوان انها الالوان الصيفية الجميلة
ان ستاردول وفرت لنا البنطلون الملون في محل
- We figure Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie won't ever take off their wedding rings after the wedding- not after paying $ 1 million for them! The luxury jeweller Robert Procop is honored to make the rings: "Robert's been busy all year making Brad and Angie's wedding rings", a source says. "They are matching rose gold bands with a table-cut diamond in them and their vows to each other engraved in them. You can't see it with the naked eye but they both know they're there." Well they're really not cutting corners with their wedding.... (showbizspy)
- Hollywood- another day, another drama! The latest catfight in Hollywood is apparently going on between Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, that recently did the movie The Dark Knight rises together. "They can't STAND each other", an insider from the set reveals. According to new reports, Anne acted like "such an insufferable snob" during the production that whenever she entered a room, Joseph immediately had to leave!“ He thinks she’s a good actress, but he just doesn’t understand her ego. Also, Anne was very dismissive of Joseph early in her career. She even turned down a couple of jobs where she was supposed to act opposite him. He wanted to make fun of how seriously Anne was taking herself and the role. He was too polite to point out to her that she was playing a cat in a comic-book movie, not actually saving the world.”, the insider explains. Oh-oh, sounds like they're having BIG problems with each other! (perezhilton)
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"