- Hey guys! It's time for our favorite post of the year - the best dressed of this year's Oscars! We love seeing all our favorite celebs all dressed up rocking the red carpet, and of course - we love deciding which ones did it perfectly and which one failed completely. Here's our list of this year's Best Dressed Celebrities of the Oscars 2013! Click on the pics and check it out!
- Yesterday it was time to celebrate the best movies at the 2013 Academy (Oscars) Awards. We followed every minute of the gala, and we've made you guys a full list to see all the winners!
Check it out below!
1. Supporting Actor: Christoph Waltz
2. Animated Short Film: "Paper Man"
3. Animated Feature Film: "Brave"
4. Cinematography: Claudio Miranda for "Life of Pi"
5. Visual Effects: "Life of Pi"
6. Costume Design: "Anna Karenina"
7. Makeup and Hairstyling: "Les Miserables"
8. Live Action Short Film: "Curfew"
9. Documentary Short Subject: "Innocente"
10. Documentary Feature: "Searching for Sugar Man"
11. Foreign Language Film: "Amour"
12. Sound Mixing: "Les Miserables"
13. Sound Editing: "Zero Dark Thirty" and "Skyfall" (A tie)
14. Supporting Actress: Anne Hathaway
15. Film Editing: "Argo"
16. Production Design: "Lincoln"
17. Original Score: "Life of Pi"
18. Original Song: "Skyfall"
19. Adapted Screenplay: Chris Terrio for "Argo"
20. Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantion for "Django Unchained"
21. Directing: Ang Lee
22. Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
23. Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis
24. Best Picture: "Argo"
- Miley Cyrus got engaged with her long time boyfriend Liam Hemsworth last year, and she surprised many by telling that she's planning on getting married in the near future. Now the actress has spoken out about her wedding plans - and she sounds a bit like a typical bridezilla!
"Marchesa makes the most amazing dresses, they are definitely one of our options. But so many people want to be involved, I'll probably have 30 dresses at my wedding.'', she stated. Miley also said she's not too stressed about getting married, and that she's trying to take things a bit slow still. We hope her fiancé is supporting! (contactmusic)
- العديد من الفتيات (سواء في ستاردول أو خارجها) يحبون ستايل "الكاجوال" و أظن لأنه عملي أو قد يكون ذلك إعجاباً بشكل الملابس الكاجوال، وحتى إن لم يكن الكاجوال ستايلك فلا تستطيعين أن تنكري أنه ستايل فعلاً سوبر
- لقد قمت اليوم بتحضير العدي من تنسيقات الأزياء و اتمنى أن تنال إعجاب الجميع ، فأنا أحب دائماً أن أكون عصرية و أرتدي أحدث صيحات الموضة ... هيا لنتألق في عالم الموضة و الجمال
مرحباً صديقاتي
ها قدت عدت لكم بموضوع جديدة وهو عبارة عن مسابقة
تبحثين فيها عن مصممة هذا الشعر
- Congrats! Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa are finally parents! Amber went into labour already earlier this week, but it wasn't 'til yesterday that the little one came out - and it's a boy! "Happy Birthday Sebastian 'The Bash' Taylor Thomaz", Wiz wrote on Twitter. "Everyone welcome this perfect young man into the world", he continued. We're so glad and we hope you guys will be a happy little family! (x17)
- As you guys might already know, the annual Academy Awards (Oscars) takes place this weekend, and it really is the perfect moment to check out what all the superstars are wearing at the red carpet. Some dresses are still in our minds, years later, so we figured we'd list our top 10 favorite Oscars dresses of all time! Click on the pics to see them all!
- Boy band does not automatically equal One Direction , even thought they're pretty much the ones ruling the boy band music world today. Do you perhaps remember Westlife? Or Five? We've listed our top six favorite boy bands over the years - so click on the pics and check them all out!
موضوعي اليوم هو عن إحدى حيواناتي المفضلة و هي القطط: هي حيوانات من الثدييات تنتمي إلى فصيلة السنوريات، و قد تمت تربيتها من قبل الإنسان منذ حوالي 7000 عام قبل الميلاد. وهنالك عشرات السلالات من القطط
لقد كان هذا تعريفاً بسيطاً عن القطط أما في بقية موضوعي فسوف أتحدث عن أغرب ما قرأت عن القطط و من هذه الغرائب
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"