- يتواجد في مختبرات "أورفيلد" في مدينة مينيبوليس في ولاية مينستوتا الأمريكية غرفة تعزل 99.99% من الأصوات وهي درجة عالية من العزل، حيث يصبح الإنسان المتواجد بها هو مصدر الصوت الوحيد فيها
الغرفة الصامتة أو عديمة الصدى تعتبر الغرفة الأكثر هدوا في العالم، إذ بإمكان الشخص الذي يتواجد بداخلها أن يسمع دقات قلبه
- Kim Kardashian started mentioning Kate Middleton a lot in public a few weeks ago, saying that she will send the Duchess a gift for her baby. Now sources reveal that ever since Kim started talking about Kate, Kate has gotten all obsessed with the reality show Keeping Up With The Kardashians.
''She thinks the family are hilarious. People forget Kate is just a normal girl who married into royalty and enjoys the same trashy TV shows most people do", a close source tells. "Will (Prince William) doesn't watch the show with her and makes fun of her for liking it so much", the source continues.
- Taylor Swift is one of the music industry's biggest names at the moment, and now she's getting ready to take on another career too - as an actress.
"Taylor has wanted to be a movie star ever since she was a child. She started acting lessons when she was nine and has never forgotten her original dream", a close source reveals according to Contactmusic.
The source also says she feels she has conquered the movie world already, and that she will try start acting when she's done touring her album "Red".
Taylor tried out for a role in Les Miserables, which she failed to land.
- Miley Cyrus younger sister, Noah Cyrus, 13, is a huge fan of Justin Bieber. When meeting him at an award show in Canada along with her big sister, she admits she stole his belongings, Teen Vogue tells.
'When I met Justin Bieber, I could barely speak. I was just going crazy inside. It was at an awards show in Canada, and after he went and changed for his next set, I kind of stole his clothes. He doesn't know it yet.", Noah admits. "'Miley's stylist dressed him for that event, and they had his stuff, so I took it home", she continued.
Noah also says she's keen on taking one of Miley's Chanel bags, but that she hasn't succeeded yet.
- لا تستمع لأي شخص يسبب لك إحباطات أو يقلل من طموحاتك
* ليس السؤال كيف يراك ((الناس)) لكن السؤال كيف أنت تري نفسك
الناس الذين لا يخطئون أبدا هم الذين لا يتعلمون إطلاقاً
المغزى من العمل ليس الإنتهاء منه بسرعه بل إتقانه
- The Coachella festival kicks off tomorrow and that is a very good place to spot all the coolest celebrities - and have a good look at their cool looks. We've gathered six of our favorite looks (both cool and just crazy) from the past years.
- كل منا شخصية تميزه عن الآخر و لكل منا نظرة تختلف عن الآخر
.لذا وجب علينا أن نتفهم هذه الشخصيات ونتعرف على مايميزها
ليسهل علينا أن نتعامل معها .لنخرج بنتيجة ايجابية قليلة الأضرار
واليكم واحدة من هذه الشخصيات وما يميزها وكيفية التعامل معها
- Justin Bieber was recently named the King Of Twitter, after passing Lady Gaga who was number one before him. But now it appears that Gaga in fact still is biggest on Twitter, since more than half of Justin Bieber's followers are fake.
The Sun shows a study, where social media experts prove that he's got the biggest amount of fake followers. Fake followers are "people" who follow less than 50 people and have never tweeted except from spam words such as "diet" and "make money".
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"