- poohg_1993
My good friend, and accomplished Stardoll designer, RubyCarminella has brought the classic black Birkin bag and the deliciously popular LE Faux Open purse back to life in different colors!
- poohg_1993
- sweetyuri
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
مرحبا صديقاتي كيف حالكم
سأقدم لكم بعض النصائح لحمايه البشره
كما نعلم ان البشره هي المرآه التي تعكس جمال وجاذبيه المرأه لذآ علينا الاهتمام بها حتى ننعم بالمظهر المتألق دائمآ
- sweetyuri
- cooleypooley
This is the 2nd and final part to Expelliarmus.HP's interview about MSW.
Hope you enjoy it! (:
- cooleypooley
- RainCute-_-girl
السلام عليكم
انا اسمي يارا وعمري 13 سنة ومن مصر أم الدنيا
والحمدلله تأهلت لعام 2012 في مسابقة ميس ستاردول ورلد
ولقد حصلت علي 2 كأس بفتاة الغلاف المحلية بفضل الله
- RainCute-_-girl
- CandyLilyMay
Halloween is less than a month away now. So I decided to try and re-create some famous halloween looks on stardoll. I have used beatuy parlour only to create these stunning looks. They are both of sususuki
- CandyLilyMay
- hawiianbody
October is known as the month we show our awareness for the horrible illness of Breast Cancer. Many of us will be having fundraisers in our schools or workplaces, but the simples way to release your inner Fashionista & support the cause doesn't cost you a penny. It's to honor the survivors of breast cancer and wear the color pink.
Show that you care, and dress for a cure!
- hawiianbody
- Cherryminnie12
- Today's post is my very first entry to the StarBlog so I first want to say a big hello. This post is based on a quiz me and my friends recently came up with. By answering the 5 questions you can learn a lot about who you are as a person.
- Cherryminnie12
- The2gLaMs
It wasn't easy finding clothes that looked similar to her outfit, but I did it. Here are the details of this outfit.
- The2gLaMs
- Elite-girl
Editor-in-chief Lovegossip4life just released the first issue of Haute Magazine.
- Elite-girl
- HODACharm
- السلآم عليكم ؤرحمة ألله ؤبركأته كيف حألكن ؟
كعادتي وأنا أتجول في ستار دول الفتت انتباهي مجموعة من الدمى قامن بابتكار اجسامهن باستخدام
شعر ستاردايزين! انظرو معي اول مبدعة
- HODACharm