- Candy Canes and Decorating Trees: Trees were decorated with treats and food as the Germanic people believed this would feed the wood spirits in the Pine trees, they were also decorated to look nice and keep the wood spirits happy and entertained during Yule.
Steals and Splurges are encounteres so often, and sometimes you are faced with the challenge of deciding whether to go for the designer or for the 'knock off'. That's where you can decide easily. First, inspect the fabric of the cheaper option for material (cotton, polyester, nylon, etc) and for tears or signs of weak threads. Second, look at similarity? Are they closely related or is one more complex or colorful? And last, ask yourself, "Am I going to be paying full price for true quality, or am I better off with a lesser quantity?"
Stardoll members have got to be some of the most talented people online! Just a while ago I was roaming around stardoll and I come across a member by the name of MissPinkLoretta. She is a sucessful wig, and demin jeans designer. I noticed today she had a different look and I knew immediately what look she was going for! Can you guys tell what musical genuis she is supposed to look like
I guess you've seen this doll's name around a few times but still her work stays unknown to most so I have decided to feature her great fashion stardesigns. This unique doll loves floral prints and I will be featuring her work with a small interview. I present to you; f.iliz!
- What to wear! What to wear! I ask myself this question every day! For this reason, I'm going to share with you all what I chose for my outfit today and why I chose it! Hopefully this will maybe help you when you're trying to find that perfect combination!
- Many of the popular "Christmas" traditions aren't Christian at all and you may be surprised to find out that most of the things you may do are actually Yuletide traditions!
اليوم سنتعرف على صديقة مميزة و رائعة إنها
و أعتقد أن الكثير من العضوات يعرفن ها لإنها مميزة ... جميلة و مبدعة
Forget your instant messaging, sms and emails - embrace the wonderful language of flowers to convey your message!
السلام عليكم
ساحدثكم اليوم عن نوع معين من الفساتين
وهي الفساتين الارستقراطيه او مايعرف ايضا بفساتين العصور الوسطى
انها بلا منازع القطعه اللتي تلبسها جميع الاميرات في ذلك الزمن الجميل
كما ارتدتها معظم بطلات قصص
اهلا صديقاتي ... كي حالكن
انضمت صديقتي المدرسة سهى اليوم لستاردول
لقد استمتعنا بشراء الملابس الجميلة بستاركونتز
لكن اردنا ان نقدم مسابقة حلوة باجمل مكان بالموقع ستار بلوغ
اذا الان انضروا لهذه الصورة =)
عيون من هذه ؟؟ من هي
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"