- What chocolate lover doesn't love Nutella? I'm personally a massive fan of this delicious hazelnut spread, seeing as I have eaten it everyday for a whopping ELEVEN years! One day whilst browsing through nutella recipes, I found this truffle recipe which requires very little ingredients and does not require any baking time. In today's post, I'm going to share this amazing dessert to the whole Stardoll community!
You'd probably be excited when I announce that the 'Non-Superstar Of The Week' Competition is back on again! :) Woohoo!
Ok, but for those who don't know what I mean, here is a little explanation of what a Non-SS Of The Week is.
The Non-SS Of The Week is an article made on the Starblog by me. Every week I go around Stardoll, looking for a Non-SS who is creative & amazing. Why Non-SS, I may hear you ask? Basically because Non-Superstars are not Superstars, which mean it decreases their chances of being able to do more on Stardoll.
Hey dollies! Today's post features a polish doll who truly inspired me with all areas of her dolls page. RAMZESIK205 is a doll that joined in 2008 and since has one over 30 stardesign fashion awards, over 20 National covergirl awards, stardesign interior awards and became Covergirl for Stardoll! She is such an azmaing doll that I thought I would post about her and include photos of her suite too. So, see for yourself the doll with the level 73, 48 achievements and 69 awards! Here are some images of her suite and her current favourite outfit!
- آخبــاركم ايــه ؟؟
عنـــوني أليـــوم يمكن ان يكـــون غريــب نــوعـًَا مــا :))
لكــن طبعـــا هــي صديـــقة الجميــع
للا اريــد الكششف عنهــا الان بــل الان اريــد ان اعطيكم حقائق عنهـــاسجــلت في ستاردول :
2009-06-23مــن : السعودية
العضــوية : الماسية
- True Friendship is unfading, it's the nudge on your shoulder when you've overstepped it's the one who will be completely honest when you've messed up yet help you fix whatever the issue may be. A true friend is always there even when you're away a true friend doesn't come and go they come and stay. I often say that true friends are like Rare Jewels, they're beautiful to have yet hard to find and so very valuable...
- It's that time of year again, where we have to kiss our summer holidays good bye and say hello to the new school year. Whether you're starting grade three, high school, or even your graduate year, I'm here with a few tips that will make early wakeup's & homework easier for everyone. (:
Stardoll has recently released a new collection for Basics Decor! I must say all items are just fabulous and affordable for both Superstars and Non-Superstars. As you all know, Basics is priced with Starcoins only which makes it easier for Non-Superstars to purchase these items.
مرحـــــباً صديقاتي , عضوات ستاردول
اليوم ققرت أن أعد المقابلة الأولى لي مع فتاة بالتأكيد لا تعرفونها لأنها ليست من المشهورين
فهي فتاة عادية كنت مثلها و حلمها أن تصبح من عضوات السوبر الستار
السلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مرحبا كيف حالكن ي محبآت ستاردول ؟
اليوم بينمى كنت اشاهد اجنحة العضوات واتصفح ستاردول وجدت احدى المدعآت
في الاجنحه وكآن جنآحها مبدع وجميل ومميز
فمن تكون صآحبة الجناااح ؟؟
- In today's post I'll be featuring a medoll who's suite & doll are dedicated to the Hunger Games trilogy, written by Suzanne Collins. I can't believe the detail this doll's put into her suite, & I'm sure all HG fans' will agree with me - Miss.Mockingjay really does deserve a round of applause.
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"