تشرين الثاني 2012
- Justin Bieber might have millions of fans all over the world, but now the teenage superstar admits that he feels lonely from time to time. "I get days when I'm just down and gloomy", he said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. He also admits how his lifestyle makes him feel lonely, and that it has forced him to have a few, but close friends: "I have three close friends that I'll fly out to see me or chat with or call, but I mean, that's really the truth". Aw Justin, we'd love to hang out with you, any day!
بنات نصيحة الحقوا العرض عشان
يتكرر من السنة للسنة
بمعني اخر لو مش شحنتي دلوقتي
هتستني للسنة الجاية
- We're all oh-so-happy that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson decided to put their old problems aside and start over after Kristen's big cheating scandal. Now they're talking about starting a family together: "Rob finally caved this weekend", an insider tells. "They were talking about their future and Rob told her that as long as she stays true to him, he's willing to have a baby with her"."She feels like she's getting a second chance at life. Now that they're back in a good place and planning their family, she feels alive again" the source also explains. "They've both agreed that they want to raise their baby in England. Rob is very patriotic and feels like an English childhood is be-all end end-all". Awww, isn't this just too cute? They'd have the most adorable baby ever together!
- We spotted Selena Gomez announcing her new global partnership with the iconic fashion brand at Adidas 'NEO' news conference and photocall in Los Angeles! Doesn't she just look adorable? Selena, you're such a cutiepie and we wish you good luck with it all! Click on the pics to see more.
مرحبـاً صديقاتي ..
تمييزت صديقتُـنا المُـبدعة
بكُـونها رآقية جـداً فلقد أثـار إعـجابي وجه دُميتها الأرقى من راقي
- It's time for the weekly fashion inspo taken from celebs spotted on the streets! Click on the pics and see fashionable stars such as Rachel Zoe and Rita Ora taking the streets!
- هناك طرق كثيرة في سناردول للحصول على أزياء جديدة و جميلة
فقد وجدت فتاة مبدعة في تصميم الفساتين إنها
انها تصمم الفساتين من الورود والقطع المختلفة تجمعها بطريقة راقية لتصنع منها فستانا خيالي ... وهذه صورة لها
وهي ترتدي فستانا من تصميمها
مرحبـاً بكُـم صـديقــاتي
الكثير من العُـضوات غـيـرُ السوبر ستار يتمنُـون أن يكُـون لهُـم ملابسٌ جميلـة
بستـاركوينـز ..لـقـد أعـددت ملابسـاً كثيرة لكم تفضلوا و ألقُـوا نـظرة عليهـا
- Taylor Swift really knows how to take big steps in a new relationships after dating the guy a couple of days... Now rumor has it Taylor is house hunting next to her new flirt Harry Styles' house. "She's buying a North London home", her pal tells. "She's so determined to make her relationship with Harry Styles work that she's preparing to buy a new property just around the corner from the One Direction hunk", the source continues. "She's even asked Harry if he'll come and look at some places with her, since he knows the area". Oh this is interesting. Are you a fan of this brand new couple or not? We're not sure yet, but we think we kinda like them...
مرحبـاً صديقاتي ..
بالتـأكيد كُـل فتـاة لديهـا رفيقة أليس كذلك؟! ولكن هل سمعتُـم يوماً بفتاة رفيقة للخيـال؟ إنها عبـارة غريبة !؟
ولكن هي حقيقة ! رفيقة الخيال
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"