تشرين الأول 2012
- اهلاً وسهلا بكم نجوم ستآردول
اليوم آتيتكم بموضوع جديد اتمنى ان ينال اعجابكم
وهو " الكاميرا " انها كاميرآ ستاردول التي نصور بها كل ماينال اعجابنا ونريد ان يراه الجميع او نضعه في الالبوم
- مرحبا صديقات ستاردول
اليوم اردت ان اريكم دميه غايه في الروعه فقد قامت بتصميم دمى فنانات مشهورات
ووضعنهم بجانب دميتها اذا ابتكرت مودلات شبيهه
- So lately I have noticed an amazing amount of talent in some girls. It seems to be the new thing to make outfits from StarDesign Hair. Some people have been very creative, creating poses, turning their heads, sitting on objects and just lovely dresses. Personally I think that they look amazing, so I thought it would be fun to show everyone a few of my favourites that I have seen over the last few days.
- Hey Rihanna, cool sunglasses you've got on! After a looong day of photoshoots, the superstar heads back to her London hotel. In her hand she holds a fashion photography book, something for the bedside table huh!
- School has started.. and a majority of us are overwhelmed with assignments due the next day! Not only does this cut out the time we spend on Stardoll.. but also the time we can sit back and relax! From experience, check out these tips I have for balancing a healthy homework schedule.
أهلا صديقاتي
لقد أحببت أن أقدم لكم أروع مبدعة في ستاردول
حقا لديها افكار جميلة ورائعة
انها Kusja
أتمنى أن تنال إعجابكن
- Hello everyone today I have for you a celebrity outfit of the day. I decided to pick Katy Perry for this since she is very well known and her style is over the top most of the times. The outfit I made for you guys is when Katy Perry attended the Yves Saint-Laurent Ready-To-Wear Fall/Winter 2012 show.
- We spotted Christina Aguilera and her boyfriend Matthew Rutler leaving Spago restaurant in Beverly Hills yesterday and noticed that the singer has embraced the multicolored-hair trend. What a dip-dye, gurl! Your hair looks like candy! But in a good or a bad way? You decide!
- Hello fellow Stardollians, in this blog I'm going to give you a few tips on how to renovate your suite!
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"