آذار 2012
Photo: WWD
Yesterday, Suzy Menkes promised that Francois Henri Pinault would announced Hedi Slimane’s appointment to the house of Yves Saint Laurent this morning. Indeed, WWD quotes the CEO of PPR’s statement: “As one of the most important French fashion houses, Yves Saint Laurent today possesses formidable potential, which I am confident will be successfully harnessed and revealed through the vision of Hedi Slimane.” The fashion world’s been trying to drag Slimane out of design retirement for years, making his return particularly exciting. However, as WWD points out, he’s never actually designed a women’s collection. He oversaw men’s while at YSL and revolutionized menswear at Dior Homme. Though he created plenty of one off suits for models and actresses, YSL’s resort collection—to be presented in June—will mark his first full collection for women. Though the article hints at one of many reasons Slimane didn’t accept the same position at Dior—”Among the sticking points was Slimane’s insistence on overhauling Dior’s extensive network of global boutiques”—it focuses on what he will do at YSL, mainly exert complete control. Given his attention to detail at Dior Homme it’s expected he’ll have a hand in everything from advertising and store design to cosmetics and show production. Expect YSL to be next season’s hottest ticket.
Hudson Kroenig at Chanel yesterday. Photo: Getty Images There was something elementary school-like about yesterday’s Chanel show, from the kids and the crystals to the references to movies like Superman II and The NeverEnding Story. You can read proper reviews in the Times, but below you’ll find our two big takeaways. 1. Kids stole the show. Before its start, a little girl in a pink fur coat reveled in the glittering sand floor and the giant crystal formations. However, she didn’t just attract fawning attention from the front row, Bill Cunningham stopped to snap her picture. Then, halfway through the show, Hudson Kroenig took a turn around the runway on the arm of Heidi Mount. He wore a grey tweed jacket with crystal piping and swung a quilted purple velvet chain bag across his body. The crowd swooned. 2. Chanel‘s bringing back the backpack. Though menswear re-embraced the backpack years ago, women have pretty much left it alone (aside from the dozen or so girls with the Row’s crocodile version slung over their shoulder). This fall, Karl’s offering a triangular version that zips down the middle and has a pocket on each side. It comes in pink tweed, purple velvet and grey jersey. Watch out Prada, you have some competition.
احلى التهاني واحلى التحيات مني ومن كل اعضاء
موقع ستاردول لصديقتنا المتألقة دائما
لقد ابهرتني بها وبمشهدها اعجبني فعلالا استطيع القول ولا التعبير عن مدى اعجابي ... حقا لا اجامللكنه جميل
اليوم وانا اسير في اكبر المدن الالمانيه ... اجد نفسي امام احدث الموديلات و الازياء الجميله والمذهل في ستاردول أن لديها آخر صيحات الموضة فقد وفرت لنا جميع الموديلات و الأزياء الموجود في السوق ... إنك حقأً مذهلة ياستاردول
مرحبا ستاردوليز
اليوم سنتجول فى جناح صديقتنا
صنعت بأبداعها زي الطبيبة ربما تريد تصبح طبيبة فى المستقبل
- It's all about babies in the Kardashian family right now! Kourtney is having her second baby in a few months, and Khloe is still trying to get pregnant with her husband Lamar. But now Kim Kardashian wants to join the group too! Kim is desperate to get rid of her fake image, and after visiting Haiti last year she came up with a shocking idea - she wants to adopt! "Kim has always been very maternal", says an insider. "Of the three sisters, she's the one who's been saying she's ready for kids the longest." Since her break up from Kris Humphries last October, Kim has been keeping a lower profile. It is also said that she has started dating her ex, Reggie Bush again, and that she wants him to be the father of her children. "It's all a top secret, but the adoption is already underway", a source says. Oh really? We did not see that coming. (OK!)
مرحبا يا عضوات ستاردول
كل عام وانتم بالف خير
بمناسبة اليوم العالمي للمراه
- It's just gone 10am and the sun is shining. You're walking towards the market place. You feel the heat of the sun. You see the celestial blue sky. You hear chatter amongst people in the distance. BANG! Someone has just drenched you with their coloured-filled gubara. Now your favourite DKNY dress is covered in red-pink coloured water - bura na maano Holi hai - no offence, it's Holi!!!
تعرفون عضوات ستاردول انه اقترب موسم الربيع الجميل
حيث هناك الخضار يملئ الكرة الارضية
و نحن في فلسطين ... لدينا جو مميز للربيع و السبب تنوع التضاريس
فهناك الجبال المكسوة بثوب اخضر .. و السهول المكسوة ايضا بالثوب الاخضر
و للتحلى ايضا .. تتزين بالزهور الجميلة مثل : قرن الغزال و الياسمين و الفل و غيرها ... الخ
و نأكل في هذا الفصل : اللوز و الاسكدنية و التوت و الكرز ... الخ
- براندي الأسطورة رقم واحد في عالم الشهرة و الأزياء و الأصدقاء
Stardoll عالم
هي نجمة متألقة في سماء الكويت و تطل علينا دائماً بكل ماهو جديد
تطفي على صفحات ستاردول الكثير الكثير من الجمال و الرقي
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"